5 advanced link building tricks to boost your blog - FILE YOU NEEDED


Tuesday 8 December 2020

5 advanced link building tricks to boost your blog

Link building is one of the best strategies in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Many people claim that link building is illegal, spamming, not suitable, or even harmful for your search engine optimization. The truth is that link building remains the essential element for search engine optimization strategy's best performance. When it is appropriately used, it contributes to a higher organic search engine. 

5 advanced link building tricks to boost your blog

Some of you guys have heard about link building strategies, and some of you haven't heard about it. I hope to deliver all kinds of essential elements that everyone should know to boost their blogs.

Link building does not include the tricks used to manipulate the search engine; it should be practiced strategically. One should focus on giving users value and build relationships with them within the organization.

Link building as the best way to boost up your blog:

Google's algorithm is very dynamic, incorporating dozens of vectors, and it considers each and every search by the user. After all that sophistication, its algorithm still relies on the users and an outside third party to help them out in determining what content is useful to the users. Link building helps the algorithm of Google to overcome this gap. 

Link building serves the following benefits for your blog:

  • Provides you with referral traffic 

  • Contributes on-page value to the users

  • Build a relationship between the user and your industry

  • Helps Google’s algorithm in determining the search result for the users

  • Indexes orphaned.

The link building's primary function is that it serves as a bridge between the user and Google's algorithm. When you post a blog on any website, you really should build a link to the page. Some of the social media organizations run advertisements on a different platform to boost up your blog. They charge you a suitable amount of money for their service, but the first practice is always free.

According to some recent research, Link building remains one of the best strategies to boost your blog on a website. When you leverage the search engine optimization, link building can easily help you increase traffic. You have to make maximum efforts to boost your blog; making minimum efforts is not enough in today's digital marketing competition. These minimum efforts and weak links are the main reasons businesses get stuck and never get out.

According to the businessmen who have used link building strategies, having a weak link building technique has some adverse effects on the ranking and traffic. On the other hand, strong link building can boost up your blogs in some really unexpected ways.

In this article, we have rounded up five advanced link building tricks that can help you to boost up your blog.

  1. Stay online to build relationships with another site:

Link building is the process of establishing one-way backlinks from one website to another website. You should not wait for the famous website to link to your page by their will; you should take charge and facilitate this link building process.

Most of the new website ignores this link building process, and they use the method of email, calls, and text messages through the social media platform to build up the traffic for their site. Following this method will most likely lead your site to disaster. Establishing strong link building tricks to build up relationships is an excellent way of acquiring quality links for your blog.

Start by focusing on a simple social media platform like Facebook, Twitter by joining their community groups. You will get to know the leaders of the famous business group, and you will have a chance to make a connection with them. This will increase the chances of getting a backlink. 

Posting relevant content and comments, responding to the questions, and sharing insightful updates will place you on social media's virtual networking map.

  1. Produce high quality and consistent blogs on your site:

According to recent research, organizations with good bloggers have 97% chances to get the backlinks from established business organizations. Moreover, companies with low-quality blogs and do not post blogs always have below 70% chances of getting a backlink from developed websites.

So, creating high-quality blogs and posting them consistently will increase the chance of getting backlinks. Instead of writing rehashes, unoriginal and unappealing contents, you should focus on improving your blog's quality. This step is straightforward but has a significant impact on increasing and decreasing the traffic on your blog and acquiring backlinks from established organizations with high authority of domains. 

It would be best if you also focused on different kinds of content to post. For example:

  1. Articles

  2. Press releases

  3. Blogs

  4. Videos

  5. Case studies

You should remain focused on consistent posting, quality as well as different kinds of content.

  1. Writing blogs for the different site:

It may sound funny that sometimes you should write articles for someone else’s site instead of your own. But this is one of the best ways to gain traffic. This trick work seamlessly by helping you gain a broad audience base that would otherwise will be very difficult to achieve

These blogs are called guest blogs. They are non-promotional by themselves, but these articles include internal links that serve as the bridge that lead the readers to your site directly. This method increases the chances to enable the host to attract a new demographic.

Guest blogs include a section with the author's information as "About the author" or "This guest article is written by," and this section consists of an anchor text that leads the reader to your website.

Writing high-quality articles for your site is always beneficial, but writing a guest article is sometimes more beneficial.

  1. Please stay connected with your backlink partners:

Many link-building tools enable companies to monitor the sites that give them backlinks. Using these tools is essential to keep up with the pace of your backlink partners. You should have a list of your partners because sometimes the companies that have existed as a source of trustworthy backlinks in the past may stop providing you with those links in the future.

  1. Broken Link building:

Use the list of all of your backlinks providers. Compile the list of these sites and check for all the anchor text links that led the readers to a dead link. Contact the respective organizations and request them to replace the dead anchor text with a new one. 

By following the same process, you can also replace the whole article.

This method will help you to know which anchor text or article needs to be replaced.